Five tips for effective board meetings

02 May 2016 11:11 AM | ONZL Team

The people sitting around the table at your Board meetings are a valuable resource so it’s crucial your meetings are managed effectively. Use your board meetings to drive your organisation forward and maximise value for your members.

Our 5 top tips for running effective board meetings:

  1. Schedule meetings well in advance so all Board members have the opportunity to attend. A regular date and time slot works best for most.
  2. Be clear on the purpose of the meeting by preparing a detailed agenda. Balance regular agenda items with topical items to keep the meeting energised. Include supporting papers in board meeting packs so it is clear what outcomes and decisions are required.
  3. Distribute meeting papers at least five days in advance so that the board has the opportunity read and prepare before the meeting itself. At the meeting, assume that all supporting papers have been read, this avoids the writer having to detail the paper in its entirety. A summary should suffice.
  4. Be punctual by starting and ending the meeting on time. This will give the meeting a sense of urgency to stay on task.
  5. During the meeting, adhere strictly to the agenda, adding new topics to ‘other business’ to be revisited. For agenda items, focus on actions and outcomes so worthwhile progress is made.

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ONZL supports organisations with their governance, operations, meeting management, communications and infrastructure.